Also now available is the free eBook, Tales from the Inbetween. This book contains 6 outtakes from the Valkyrie Bestiary world, plus one original short story from the point of view of Jacoby, everyone's favorite fiery dervish. It won't be in stores. It's reserved for fans of Valkyrie Bestiary. Join the Readers' Group to get your copy HERE.
May 16, 5-7pm EST
Join me and 6 brilliant UF authors for games, discussions and give-aways. Only on the FB Discussion group. Contests will stay open for 24 hours for readers from other time zones. (Click the image to join)
May 17, starting at 7pm EST
Get your burning questions answered. Ask me anything about the Valkyrie Bestiary, writing or publishing. I'll be taking questions live on the FB discussion group. There will be prizes! The fun starts at 7pm EST and will last until my fingers cramp from typing. (Click the image to join)

I hope you enjoy Devils Don't Lie. Please remember to review it. Reviews are the lifeblood of publishing. You can easily find links to review it HERE.