Happy New Year! I hope you had a fun and safe holiday season. I traveled a bit to see family, snuggled with the grand babies and had some girl time with both my mother and my daughter. It was a perfect holiday, until I came home sick. Not Covid, luckily, but a bad head cold. It's the price you pay for snuggles with little snot machines. Worth it.
I had planned to do a sort of retrospective of the year in this newsletter, but because my brain is currently fogged with cold medicine, I'll keep that for the next newsletter. But I didn't want you to miss out on some great deals happening right now.
January is traditionally book bonanza month. People get new e-readers for Christmas or Amazon gift cards and what better way to start the New Year than with new books!
So I created a FREE-2-3 promotion for the occasion. Books 1-3 of the Valkyrie Bestiary are on sale for the next 5 days. If you haven't read this series, now is the time to get lost in a new world. If you have read it, please considering passing this promo onto a fellow book lover.
And I have more free books for you under the Book Fairs tab. The Stuff Your Kindle with Fantasy event is happening right now. This is huge! No matter what kind of fantasy you read, you'll find something there. So dig in!
Valkyrie Bestiary FREE-2-3 Sale is January 1-5 only!
I had planned to do a sort of retrospective of the year in this newsletter, but because my brain is currently fogged with cold medicine, I'll keep that for the next newsletter. But I didn't want you to miss out on some great deals happening right now.
January is traditionally book bonanza month. People get new e-readers for Christmas or Amazon gift cards and what better way to start the New Year than with new books!
So I created a FREE-2-3 promotion for the occasion. Books 1-3 of the Valkyrie Bestiary are on sale for the next 5 days. If you haven't read this series, now is the time to get lost in a new world. If you have read it, please considering passing this promo onto a fellow book lover.
And I have more free books for you under the Book Fairs tab. The Stuff Your Kindle with Fantasy event is happening right now. This is huge! No matter what kind of fantasy you read, you'll find something there. So dig in!
Valkyrie Bestiary FREE-2-3 Sale is January 1-5 only!
Get the Bundle

Valkyrie Bestiary Cage Fights
Semifinal Extravaganza!
For the past 17 weeks Valkyrie Bestiary critters and characters have been facing off in cage fights. Now we’re down to the wire where The Supreme Valkyrie Beast will be chosen by you!
The cage fight semifinals start January 5 with a match-up between a gargoyle and a grimalkin. The fun takes place on the VB Discussion group on Facebook. Join now to vote for your favorite creature in 3 exciting divisions:
- Heavy Weight
- Light Weight
- Adorable Weight
I have a long list of amazing authors sponsoring this event. In each semifinal fight, commentators will automatically be entered to win an ebook or audiobook from one of these authors: Jillean Dolbeare, LA McBride, C.N Rowan, L.M. Hatchell, C. Thomas Lafolette, Laura Greenwood, Arizona Tape, Janna Ruth, Krista Walsh, Stephanie Mirro, Jen B. Green, G. Clatworthy, Dahlia T. Drake, Isa Medina. Thank you to all the sponsors!
For the final fight, I will be offering a signed paperback gift pack. Details on that to come.
Don’t miss out on this amazing event. You can check out the up-coming match-ups in the VB ARENA. Join the Discussion Group to vote! And I’ll see you at the fights!
Join the Valkyrie Bestiary Discussion Group
Book Fairs & Events
It's book bonanza time! Check out these 2 free book fairs! There's something for every fantasy book lover.
2023 Goodreads Reading Challenge
I overshot my Goodreads Reading Challenge estimate by 25 books this year! Whoops. How did you do in 2023?I'm looking for a new venue to track my reading. Apart from the nastiness that flares up on Goodreads from time to time, I feel like the website hasn't been updated since 1890. What do you use to track your reading? I'd love to hear other suggestions. You can reply right in the comments below.