With every new release, this readers' group gets a big influx of new members. In fact, there have been over 300 new subscribers since Unicorns Don't Cry launched last month. So I thought this would be a good time to do a little recap for new readers, those who might have missed some newsletters and those who are thinking of subscribing.
Join the Valkyrie Bestiary Readers' Group Newsletter
Newsletters subscribers get a few perks, like 3 free ebooks, including the exclusive Tales from the Inbetween. Got questions about my books or writing in general? You can reply right to the newsletter email. I'm always happy to hear from readers.
Here's a little bit about me. I write dark and funny fantasy from my little farm on the edge of the woods in Quebec, Canada, though I have lived in Ontario, New York, Pennsylvania, and Nice, France. If you've read any of the Valkyrie Bestiary, you know that animal rescue is a subject dear to my heart and my husband and I are currently preparing our farm to be able to take in some critters. In the mean time, I spend my summers writing in a little tent in the woods and my winters holed up in a tiny cafe in town or snowshoeing in the forest to look at all the critter tracks.
If you want to catch up on past posts, they are always available here on the blog. If you need a chuckle and love critters (and aren't squeamish) you might want to start with TEETH AND SHEATH DAY.
Finally, I want to invite you to join the discussion on the Valkyrie Bestiary Facebook group. here you can connect with other readers and there's always some amazing critter-related fun going on like the Valkyrie Bestiary Cage Fights.

For the last few weeks, I've been hosting the Valkyrie Bestiary Cage Fights on the FB Group. Every week, I pit 2 VB critters or characters against each other to determine the Supreme Valkyrie Bestiary. We also have a Light Weight Division and an Adorable Division. Last week Ollie (the baby dragon) beat out Kur (the ice sprite) in the Adorable Division. There's a new battle going on today on the FB Group. Be sure to join and cast your vote. When we get to the finals, we're going to use it as an excuse for an awesome party and give away some stuff!
Join the Valkyrie Bestiary Facebook Group
You can also check out past cage fight winners in the ARENA.
Want to know the best reading order for the Valkyrie Bestiary? Or read FAQs from previous ask-me-anything events? Or want to visit Kyra's blog IRL? Those and more are all available from the VALKYRIE BESTIARY PAGE.
Finally, I am always looking for new ARC readers and listeners. If you would like to join my ebook or audiobook ARC Teams, please fill out the forms below. Note that there are some restrictions to join, so read the notes carefully.
Join the eBook ARC Team
Join the Audiobook ARC Team
After a couple of manic book launch weeks, I've settled back down in my little house on the edge of the woods to start writing again. Yes, I have 1 more Valkyrie Bestiary book in me. I will, of course, share details about that as soon as I can. But in the next post, I will introduce you to a whole new project I'm working on, one that I am super excited to share!
Until then, have a wonderful week of reading!
Book Fairs & Events
Spotlight Books
It's that time of year again! Is it time for hot cocoa and snowmen? No! It's time for yetis and hockey playing dragons, of course! If you haven't read the Valkyrie Bestiary Holiday Tale, you're in for a treat. I think this was my favorite book to write and I hope you will enjoy it.
Did you already read Oh, Come All Ye Dragons? I'd love to know what you thought of it. You can reply right in the comments.

Oh, Come All Ye Dragons
A Valkyrie Bestiary Holiday Tale
No pest is too big or too small to ruin Christmas. When dragons nest on a valuable reclamation site, who do the scavengers call? Kyra Greene, pest controller of the extraordinary. Can she convince a stubborn dragon queen to move her nest before the scavengers bring in guns and still be home in time for her baby’s first Christmas?