There's so much going on this month! I'm just going to get right to it.
May 13: I will be at the street fair in Shawville, Quebec from 10am to 2pm
May 16: Launch day for Devil's Don't Lie. Paperbacks are already available at Amazon. Other stores will follow soon. Pre-orders at a reduced price are available until launch day. Get Devils Don't Lie HERE.
May 16: Free eBook, Tales from the Inbetween, will be available for newsletter subscribers only. Tuesday isn't my usual newsletter day, but I'll be dropping a special issue just to get the eBook to you. Be sure to join the Readers' Group to get your copy. Subscribe HERE.

May 16, 5-7pm EST: I'm hosting a take-over party on the Valkyrie Bestiary discussion group on Facebook. Six amazing Urban Fantasy authors will share their works, games and give-aways. Visiting authors: Heather G. Harris, Brogan Thomas, C.N. Rowan, DM Fike, T.A. White, Jilleen Dolbeare. You don't want to miss this! Be sure to join the VB discussion group to take part. Join HERE.

May 17, starting at 7pm EST: I will be doing an “Ask Me Anything and Win” event on the Valkyrie Bestiary Discussion group (Facebook).
Have you ever wanted to know where Jacoby came from? Or who was Kyra’s first rescue? Ask me anything about the Valkyrie Bestiary, or about writing and publishing in general. There will be prizes!

Whew! That's a lot of stuff happening. And there's more. Every day in May, you'll find a new author spotlighted on my FB page with a chance to win an ebook or paperback, but a grand prize of over 30 books. Be sure to follow my FB page so you don't miss the daily prize. Follow me HERE.